Let's Talk Autism


There are a few different faces of autism. As seen by the umbrella on the first page (and above), autism comes in many different forms, including Autistic disorder, Aspberger's disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett's disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified.  

Autistic Disorder (Autism)
There is not a medical test that can diagnose autism. Right now, the only way to tell if your child has autism is to watch the signs and symptoms.
What are some signs and symptoms of autism

According to MayoClinc.com, you should be on the lookout for autism when:
* The child does not respond to their name
* The child has poor eye contact 
* The child doesn't seem like they're hearing you
* The child doesn't like cuddling and holding 
* The child seems unaware of other's feelings
* The child likes playing alone and not in groups and retreats into his own world
* The child starts talking later than the age of 2
* The child can't remember previously learned sentences   
* The child speaks with an unusual tone or rhythm (may sound like a robot) 
* The child does not seem to understand words or phrases even when repeated verbatim
* The child either rocks, spins, or has hand-flapping behaviors
* The child needs very specific routines or rituals and becomes upset when they are interrupted  
* The child moves constantly 
* The child is fascinated with parts of a toy but not the toy itself
* The child may seem unusually sensitive to light, touch, and sound, and be oblivious to pain 
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/autism/DS00348/DSECTION=symptoms < Thank you to this website! 
Aspberger's Disorder 

Aspberger's disorder is essentially called "high-functioning" autism. They will be able to preform more tasks and will act like other children their age, but they might lack certain skills, which mostly involve social skills.

What should you be on the lookout for? 
* Not liking changes in routines
* Seemingly lacking empathy
* Have a very formal style of speaking
* Will appear to avoid eye contact, or they will stare at others
* Will have unusual facial expressions or gestures
* Be preoccupied by a limited number of interests and be very knowledgeable about them. 
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/asperger/detail_asperger.htm < Thank you to this website! 

The most common sign of Aspberger's syndrome is limited social skills. 

Rett Synddrome 
What is Rett Syndrome? It is a branch off of Autism, yet it impacts almost all girls and few boys. Children who have Rett's syndrome have normal growth and development, however, it is then followed by a slowing of their development. They will most likely experience a loss of use of their hands, weird and distinctive hand movements, slowed brain and head growth, problems with walking, some seizures, and an intellectual disability.
-National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke 
http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/rett/detail_rett.htm < Thank you to this website! 

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 

* Delay/lack of spoken and written language
* Nonverbal behaviors impairment
* Apparently unable to maintain conversation
* Limited play
* Loss of bowel/bladder control
* Loss of motor skills, language, and social skills 
* Problems forming relationships
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is much like autism, but focuses on what the children loose -  children with autism may never gain these skills. 
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001535.htm < Thank you for your information!